
Catch up on all the latest news from The Logical World

How can your business benefit from monitoring its’ supply capacity, and avoid excessive energy bills?

Every half hourly metered site within the UK has a supply capacity, which is set by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) based on the agreed capacity reserved for each location. Your business’ agreed supply capacity is the amount of electricity your DNO must make available for each of your half hourly metered sites. Your business agrees the level of capacity that should be reserved for each of your half hourly meters with your DNO. You are able to change the agreed level; however, this can only be done once per year.

July 15th, 2020|

Make UK report shows manufacturers are stepping up to the sustainability challenge

According to a survey released by Make UK: The Manufacturers’ Organisation, manufacturers who put sustainability and environmental improvements at the core of their business, obtained significant cost-savings across their company. The report shows that 50% of manufacturers are making advancements with sustainability programmes and 71% saw a reduction in business costs after implementing their last environmental improvement plan.

June 17th, 2020|

Worldwide energy markets plummet to their lowest levels seen since the 2018 market highs

During 2020 the extreme worldwide lock-down measures has drastically reduced the demand for energy. As the country remains locked down, demand for electricity continues to be low, and on the flip side, the supply chain high with an influx of LNG shipments and an increase in renewable energy generation. These are some of the major factors that have left us with an over-supplied power system and coerced energy prices downwards

June 11th, 2020|

We are Pioneers in Utilities Bureau Support Services. Make your next choice Logical.

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