Our Customer Software Solution for Utilities Management

Eos® is a bespoke software solution that is exclusively available through The Logical Utilities Company and provides our customers with a reporting management tool that collates business portfolio, meter details and contracts, invoice billing data and invoice queries into one easily accessible online portal.

Eos: Customer Portal

Eos® delivers significant cost savings by managing the usage and expenditure of your entire company’s portfolio.

Our software solution will free up time so your staff will be able to focus on more pressing tasks, as well as easing the strain off your business’ financial and property management departments.

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Access your portfolio here.

We are Agents of Change

Founded in 2009 we have become the UK market leaders in energy consulting and support services specialising in multi-site and large commercial business sectors. We operate in a highly fragmented market where most providers concentrate on what they do and how they do it. Our success is attributed to our focus on “why” we do what we do; we challenge the status quo in the energy market. We believe we can improve a clients’ bottom line whilst removing highly complex tasks associated with energy from within their facilities and finance departments, and we are driven by sharing in this success.

“We consider the structure of the energy market to be illogical”

We have become standard bearers for a more logical and transparent approach. Logic is applied in everything we do and remains the backbone of our success. We have attracted and grown a specialist team of ethic­al, and talented industry professionals motivated by achieving fantastic results for some amazing customers and pushing the boundaries of what is perceived possible. ​

We are Pioneers in Utilities Bureau Support Services. Make your next choice Logical.