Support Services

Our Bureau and Client Services Teams are passionate about delivering our customers the very best portfolio management and support solutions on the market within the energy consultancy sector. 

We have hand-picked a team of professionals specifically selected to provide a unique blend of expertise to ensure all post contract administration is managed efficiently and pro-actively, from managing single site businesses, through to complex commercial enterprises with thousands of meters.

“Our solutions are tailored to ensure we surpass our customers’ expectations.”

Bureau & Client Services

Our accomplished Bureau Services Team are experts in financial data analysis within the energy industry and are proficient in data management, reporting, meter management, billing and credit analysis, budget preparation and cost reduction tracking. By effectively using our award-winning technology to collate your portfolio and validate invoice data, our team are able to manage the most complex property portfolios for some of the world’s most prominent and demanding customers where success is conditional.

Our Client Services specialists have a proven track record in maintaining portfolios and developing long-term relationships with customers. Our goal is to ensure all our customers receive individual commitment with proactivity and diligence underpinning all aspects of our total portfolio management solutions.

All of our customers are appointed a dedicated Account Manager who has several years’ experience in utilities portfolio management, so you’ll have peace of mind that your business’ portfolio will be in safe hands.

“Our Bureau and Client Services Teams work hand-in-hand streamlining the overall management of your portfolio.” 

Bill validation and dispute resolution

Our Trade Marked, in-house built technology, PERFECTA, executes bill validation with the utmost of efficiency enabling reconciliation of supplier invoices with 99.9% accuracy every time. 

The software provides us with all the intel required to transpose data into an easy to use and understand reporting system, as well as the ability to produce an inconsistency report where our Bureau Service Team proactively resolve disputes with suppliers on your behalf, which preserves cash and ensures billing accuracy.

Reporting and analysis

Our Bureau Team provide reporting and analysis solutions that can be tailored to suit your business’ requirements, from traditional Excel reports to our online portal, Eos®, where you can access reports remotely.

“Our Bureau Services experts are passionate about delivering the best service in the market to our customers and provide a unique blend of expertise to ensure all post contract administration is managed efficiently.”

Our bespoke Trade Marked technology, Eos®, provides live reporting and analysis which can be accessed remotely by you for overall effective reporting management of your energy portfolio and bill validation. Eos® pulls data from our in-house software, Perfecta and CUPID and is driven by our Bureau Services Team. Eos® collects information into our secure system which encompasses a suite of reports that are fully customisable to your specifications.

Total Portfolio Solution

Our Client Services team has years of combined expertise in managing large high-profile commercial energy portfolios, and are experienced in handling change of suppliers, change of meter operators, and change of tenancies.

Your dedicated Account Manager will become completely aligned with your business’ objectives and consider themselves to be an extension of your business. We are an open book and get the best results for our customers by understanding their goals as clearly as our own.

The Logical Approach to Property Management

Our experienced team boasts a unique blend of expertise that can provide your business with a total portfolio management solution. We are experts within our field and have several years’ experience in managing utilities for commercial property management companies.

Our team tailor your procurement strategy and help you to align all your sites to one supplier and common end date, arrange your siteworks projects and change of tenancies, provide bureau support services where our team validate your invoices and ensure final bills are processed accurately.

“Our dedicated team of energy experts provide a unique, comprehensive, proactive and transparent solution to the management of commercial portfolios.”

The Logical approach to property management encompasses all aspects of energy procurement to ongoing site management so you have peace of mind that your business is in safe hands.

Audits and cost recovery

Our dedicated team of Data Analysts have already recovered thousands of pounds worth of unjustified charges for our customers. This could be anything from supplier issues to Government Levy’s such as VAT or Climate Levy Charges (CCL) which have been set incorrectly by the supplier.

“We have helped businesses to recover unjustified costs that they had been wrongly charged for.” 

Contact one of our experts today to find out how we can help your business recover unnecessary costs incurred through your energy supply over the previous 5 years.

We are Agents of Change

Founded in 2009 we have become the UK market leaders in energy consulting and support services specialising in multi-site and large commercial business sectors. We operate in a highly fragmented market where most providers concentrate on what they do and how they do it. Our success is attributed to our focus on “why” we do what we do; we challenge the status quo in the energy market. We believe we can improve a clients’ bottom line whilst removing highly complex tasks associated with energy from within their facilities and finance departments, and we are driven by sharing in this success.

“We consider the structure of the energy market to be illogical”

We have become standard bearers for a more logical and transparent approach. Logic is applied in everything we do and remains the backbone of our success. We have attracted and grown a specialist team of ethic­al, and talented industry professionals motivated by achieving fantastic results for some amazing customers and pushing the boundaries of what is perceived possible. ​

We are Pioneers in Utilities Bureau Support Services. Make your next choice Logical.